
This is a technical changelog for the Hetzner Cloud platform. To get updated about changes automatically, you can subscribe to our RSS feed

March 2025

Mar 19

Fedora 40 image is deprecated

The image fedora-40 (IDs 161489943 (x86) & 161490993 (arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 19 June 2025.

January 2025

Jan 30

Listing arbitrary Actions in the Actions List endpoint is removed


We have previously announced the actions list endpoint deprecation in July 2023. We have now changed our decision in parts.

The endpoint GET /v1/actions implements two different functions:

  • Listing all actions (GET /v1/actions)
  • Get multiple actions by their IDs (GET /v1/actions?id=)

The previous announcement mentioned that the whole endpoint would be removed. We have now decided to keep the GET /v1/actions?id= functionality available.


We have removed the possibility to list all actions (GET /v1/actions). All query parameters related to this have been removed from the API. The API now returns a 410 Gone status code and links to this announcement.

If you need to list actions without knowing their IDs, please use the "Resource Action endpoints" instead.

Jan 28

Apps Updates

The following app(s) were updated to newer versions:

  • gitlab (IDs 40093435 (x86) & 105888988 (arm) to v17.8.0
  • nextcloud (IDs 40093190 (x86) & 105888089 (arm)) to v30.0.5
  • wordpress (IDs 40093134 (x86) & 105888096 (arm)) to v6.7.1
Jan 25

Fedora 39 image is unavailable for new orders

The image fedora-39 (IDs 135075974 (x86) & 135076024 (arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

Jan 16
addedObject Storage

Bucket Name Reuse

From now on, after deleting a Bucket, the same Bucket name can be reused immediately when it is created in a project of the same owner. Please see our documentation for more details.

Jan 08

CentOS Stream 10 now available

The newest CentOS Stream Release with Version 10 is now available as centos-stream-10 (IDs 210163277 (x86) & 210163284 (arm)) to all Cloud Servers as a Rapid Deploy Image.

December 2024

Dec 18
removedObject Storage

Moving Buckets between projects unavailable

Due to problems with moving Object Storage Buckets between projects, the functionality has been disabled for the time being.

Dec 11

openSUSE 15.6 now available

openSUSE Leap 15.6 is now available as a Rapid Deploy Image for all Cloud Servers The image has the name opensuse-15 in the API.

November 2024

Nov 05
removedAPIServersLoad Balancers

Deprecated fields for traffic information removed

The API no longer returns for the following fields:

  • Response field included_traffic of a server_type
  • Response field traffic in the GET /v1/pricing endpoint response

Learn more about this change.


New App:

A new App is available for your servers:

  • (Name coolify, IDs 197238872 (x86) & 197238880 (arm))

October 2024

Oct 29

Fedora 39 image is deprecated

The image fedora-39 (IDs 135075974 (x86) & 135076024 (arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 25 January 2025.

September 2024

Sep 27

Using custom MAC addresses on public cloud server interfaces is deprecated

Note: To give customers more time to make the necessary changes on their end, we have extended the deadline for this deprecation.

Starting on 30 October 2024, it will no longer be possible to use custom MAC addresses for IPv4 connectivity on the public network interface. Instead, servers will have to use the MAC address that was assigned to their public network interface to send and receive IPv4 packets. Packets sent with a different source MAC address will be dropped.

For public IPv6 connectivity as well as private network interfaces, this was already enforced.

If you have changed the MAC address on the public network interface of your cloud server, please change it back to the MAC address assigned to the interface. If your server is configured so that the public network interface is part of a bridge with other interfaces, please consider switching to a routed setup.

Customers affected by this change were notified via email.

Sep 06

Old Server Types with shared Intel vCPUs are unavailable for order

The old server plans with shared Intel vCPUs (CX11, CX21, CX31, CX41, CX51) are no longer available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server to one of the new server plans with Intel vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types are not available through the API List endpoint. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • cx11 (ID 1)
  • cx21 (ID 3)
  • cx31 (ID 5)
  • cx41 (ID 7)
  • cx51 (ID 9)

August 2024

Aug 31

CentOS Stream 8 image is unavailable for new orders

The image centos-stream-8 (IDs 45778012 (x86) & 103907195 (arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

Aug 30

Bug: CX11 removal will break certain versions of cluster-autoscaler

The Hetzner provider in current versions of cluster-autoscaler has a bug and relies on the CX11 server type, which we will remove from our ordering options on 6 September 2024.

If you try to use the cluster-autoscaler provider after that date, you will see the following error messages:

mixed_nodeinfos_processor.go:160] Unable to build proper template node for draining-node-pool: failed to create resource list for node group draining-node-pool error: failed to get machine type cx11 info error: server type not found
static_autoscaler.go:387] Failed to get node infos for groups: failed to create resource list for node group draining-node-pool error: failed to get machine type cx11 info error: server type not found

The following versions of cluster-autoscaler are affected:

  • ≤1.28.6 (including 1.27 and older)
  • ≤1.29.4
  • ≤1.30.2
  • ≤1.31.0

We depend on the Kubernetes community and the maintainers of cluster-autoscaler to release new versions. We expect that new official versions are released at the end of September.

To bridge the gap until the Kubernetes community releases the new versions, we published alternative container images of cluster-autoscaler that include a patch for the bug. You can use these in your deployment, but we will remove them one month after new official cluster-autoscaler versions become available. We will not provide any other patch releases on this container image repository. Please switch back to the official images as soon as possible.

  • (Build Commit)
  • (Build Commit)
  • (Build Commit)
  • (Build Commit)

Existing Users

To prevent disruptions for existing users of the provider, we will keep the CX11 server type available for these accounts. We will remove that prolonged access to the CX11 server type two weeks after the Kubernetes community releases new versions of cluster-autoscaler.

Aug 29

Field "floating_ip" in pricing response is now deprecated

The response field floating_ip (.pricing.floating_ip) of the GET /v1/pricing endpoint is deprecated.

Please use the floating_ips (.pricing.floating_ips) field instead.

Aug 06
addedServersNetworksFloating IPsPrimary IPsLoad BalancersVolumes

New Location: Singapore

The new location Singapore (sin) is now available for all products. The following server types are available:

  • CPX: cpx11, cpx21, cpx31, cpx41, cpx51
  • CCX: ccx13, ccx23, ccx33, ccx43, ccx53, ccx63

The datacenter sin-dc1 was also added to the API and belongs to the sin location.

The network zone ap-southeast was also added to the API. It currently includes the sin location.


Using custom MAC addresses on public cloud server interfaces is deprecated

Starting on 30 September 2024, it will no longer be possible to use custom MAC addresses for IPv4 connectivity on the public interface. Instead, servers will have to use the MAC address that was assigned to their public network interface to send and receive IPv4 packets. Packets sent with a different source MAC address will be dropped.

For public IPv6 connectivity as well as private network interfaces, this was already enforced.

If you have changed the MAC address on the public network interface of your cloud server, please change it back to the MAC address assigned to the interface. If your server is configured so that the public network interface is part of a bridge with other interfaces, please consider switching to a routed setup.

We will also contact customers affected by this change via email.

Update 27 September 2024: We have extended the deadline. You can find the updated entry here.

Aug 05
removedAPIIntegrationsServersLoad Balancers

Deprecated fields for traffic information now return null

The API now returns null for the following fields instead of their previous values:

  • Response field included_traffic of a server_type
  • Response field traffic in the GET /v1/pricing endpoint response

These fields will be fully removed from the API on 2024-11-05.

Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

Learn more about this change.

July 2024

Jul 25

Apps OS-Updates

The following app(s) now use Ubuntu 24.04 as base-image (previously 22.04):

  • gitlab (IDs 40093435 (x86) & 105888988 (arm))
  • jitsi (IDs 40093140 (x86) & 105887536 (arm))
deprecatedAPIIntegrationsServersLoad Balancers

Cloud API returns traffic information in different format

The Cloud API has been updated to provide a better insight and more flexibility for displaying the pricing of traffic for servers and load balancers.

These API changes will be performed in three steps:

New fields added

The pricing arrays in the responses of our GET /v1/server_types and GET /v1/load_balancer_types endpoints have been extended:

  • we added a field included_traffic representing how much of free outgoing traffic is included for a tariff in a certain location in bytes
  • we added a field price_per_tb_traffic, representing the cost per TB of traffic after the included traffic has been used up

The matching values in responses to the following endpoints are updated accordingly:

  • GET /v1/pricing
  • GET /v1/servers
  • GET /v1/servers/{id}
  • GET /v1/load_balancers
  • GET /v1/load_balancers/{id}

Deprecating and removing previous fields

In addition to these new properties, we will deprecate existing properties currently representing these values. These will be set to return null on 2024-08-05:

  • Response field included_traffic of a server_type
  • Response field traffic in the GET /v1/pricing endpoint response

These fields will be fully removed from the API three months later on 2024-11-05.

Please refer to the API documentation for more details. Review and update any scripts or tools that make use of these API endpoints and fields.


We have updated our integrations for these new fields. The changes are available in the following versions:


Fedora 38 image is unavailable for new orders

The image fedora-38 (IDs 107768015 (x86) & 107768016 (arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

Jul 23

Cloud API Responses can now be compressed with Gzip and Brotli

In order to save bandwidth, we now allow for gzip and brotli compression to be requested by sending an Accept-Encoding header with your API request.

We don't expect any complications, but this change could lead to unexpected behaviour if your client requests compression whilst not handling the decompression of the response as expected. Our official integrations will continue to work with this, but we can not ensure full compatibility for third-party clients and integrations.

We will roll out this change in increasingly longer time periods so you can observe if all your implementations can handle the new behaviour or if you have to make changes:

  • 2024-07-30T08:30Z -> 2024-07-30T09:30Z (1h)
  • 2024-08-01T07:30Z -> 2024-08-01T11:30Z (4h)
  • 2024-08-20T06:30Z -> 2024-08-20T14:30Z (8h)
  • 2024-08-22T08:00Z -> 2024-08-23T08:00Z (1d)

The change will be permanently effective from 26th August 2024 08:00 UTC.


Newly created projects will use a new private network system

We developed a new system for managing private networks in the recent months and are now in the rollout phase. Starting today, private networks in newly created projects will use the new system. With this new system, private network actions related to progress and status information will behave more accurately.

If you encounter any issues, please let us know by submitting a support ticket.

In the upcoming days, existing private networks will be migrated to the new system. We do not expect any downtime or disturbances for customers.

Jul 05

3 Apps are unavailable for new orders

The following apps are no longer available when creating new servers:

  • collab-tools (IDs 73924728 (x86) & 105888341 (arm))
  • go (IDs 71127447 (x86) & 105888088 (arm))
  • ruby (IDs 71127104 (x86) & 105888086 (arm))

June 2024

Jun 30

Debian 10 image is unavailable for new orders

The image debian-10 (IDs 5924233 (x86) & 103905968 (arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

Jun 06

Apps OS-Updates

The following app(s) now use Ubuntu 24.04 as base-image (previously 22.04):

  • photoprism (IDs 101588775 (x86) & 105888330 (arm))
  • prometheus-grafana (IDs 73721460 (x86) & 105888142 (arm))
  • owncast (IDs 101588646 (x86) & 105888084 (arm))
  • rustdesk (IDs 102456737 (x86) & 105888087 (arm))
  • wireguard (IDs 80379320 (x86) & 105888135 (arm))

New Server Types with shared Intel vCPUs

Four new server types with shared Intel vCPUs are now available:

  • cx22 (ID 104)
  • cx32 (ID 105)
  • cx42 (ID 106)
  • cx52 (ID 107)

Learn more about these instances in this news article


Old Server Types with shared Intel vCPUs are deprecated

Starting on 06 September 2024, the old server plans with shared Intel vCPUs will no longer be available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server to one of the new server plans with Intel vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types will not be available through the API List endpoint after the announced date. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • cx11 (ID 1)
  • cx21 (ID 3)
  • cx31 (ID 5)
  • cx41 (ID 7)
  • cx51 (ID 9)
Jun 05

3 Apps are deprecated

The following apps are deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 5 July 2024:

  • collab-tools (IDs 73924728 (x86) & 105888341 (arm))
  • go (IDs 71127447 (x86) & 105888088 (arm))
  • ruby (IDs 71127104 (x86) & 105888086 (arm))

May 2024

May 31

CentOS Stream 8 image is deprecated

The image centos-stream-8 (IDs 45778012 (x86) & 103907195 (arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 31. August 2024.

May 29

Apps OS-Updates

The following app(s) now use Ubuntu 24.04 as base-image (previously 22.04):

  • docker-ce (IDs 40093247 (x86) & 105888141 (arm))
  • lamp (IDs 40093059 (x86) & 105888091 (arm))
  • nextcloud (IDs 40093190 (x86) & 105888089 (arm))
  • wordpress (IDs 40093134 (x86) & 105888096 (arm))

The following app(s) now use Ubuntu 22.04 as base-image (previously 20.04):

  • jitsi (IDs 40093140 (x86) & 105887536 (arm))

April 2024

Apr 26

Fedora 40 and Ubuntu 24.04 are available

The images fedora-40 (IDs 161489943 (x86) & 161490993 (arm)) and ubuntu-24.04 (IDs 161547269 (x86) & 161547270 (arm)) have been added.

Apr 25

Fedora 38 image is deprecated

The image fedora-38 (IDs 107768015 (x86) & 107768016 (arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 25 July 2024.

March 2024

Mar 31

Debian 10 image is deprecated

The image debian-10 (IDs 5924233 (x86) & 103905968 (arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 30 June 2024.

January 2024

Jan 10

ISOs no longer return the "deprecated" field

The response field deprecated of all endpoints that return "ISOs" is removed as announced. Please use the new field deprecation instead.

Jan 08

Server Action "Enable Rescue" no longer supports 32bit

The request field type of the POST /servers/{id}/actions/enable_rescue endpoint no longer accepts the value linux32.

Jan 02

CentOS 7 is unavailable for new orders

The image centos-7 (IDs 3 (x86) & 103907007 (Arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

November 2023

Nov 16

Stateful firewall changes regarding FTP, SIP and PPTP

For security reasons, the Hetzner Cloud Firewall no longer inspects protocols like FTP, SIP and PPTP to implicitly open other, related ports.

If your server has a Cloud Firewall attached and you use these protocols in a way that requires additional related ports to be accepted, then you should add a Firewall rule for the required port ranges.

See the Firewalls FAQ for details.

Nov 08

Packer plugin source changed

The Hetzner Cloud packer plugin moved from to

Make sure to update the plugin source in your Packer configuration:

 packer {
   required_plugins {
     hcloud = {
-      source  = ""
+      source  = ""
       version = ">= 1.2.0"

See the plugin documentation for more details.

October 2023

Oct 18

Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO files no longer available

The Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO files are no longer available for cloud servers because of the End of Life announcement from Microsoft.

Oct 12

Field "deprecated" on ISOs is now deprecated

The response field deprecated of all endpoints that return "ISOs" is deprecated. Please use the new field deprecation instead.


Route exposing to vSwitch now supports default route

The Network feature to expose routes of a cloud network to a vSwitch now supports the default route ( as destination).


Deprecation Info for ISOs

To better communicate deprecations to API Users, we added the new response field deprecation to all endpoints that return "ISOs". The field describes if, when, and how the resource was deprecated. If this field is set to null, the resource is not deprecated. If it has a value, it is considered deprecated. Learn more about the field in our API docs. This new field replaces the old deprecated field.

Oct 11

Subnet type vswitch size must be larger than Network size

Network subnets with type "vswitch" now have a new limitation to prevent users from producing setups that don't work.

You now need to have a subnet that is smaller than the overall ip_range of the parent Network.


# Network ip_range Subnet ip_range
Oct 02

CentOS 7 deprecated

The image centos-7 (IDs 3 (x86) & 103907007 (Arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 02 January 2024.

September 2023

Sep 27

Old Server Types with dedicated AMD vCPUs are unavailable for order

The old server plans with dedicated AMD vCPUs (CCX12, CCX22, CCX32, CCX42, CCX52, CCX62) are no longer available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server to one of the new server plans with AMD vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types are not available through the API List endpoint. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • ccx12 (ID 33)
  • ccx22 (ID 34)
  • ccx32 (ID 35)
  • ccx42 (ID 36)
  • ccx52 (ID 37)
  • ccx62 (ID 38)

August 2023

Aug 31

Ubuntu 18.04 is unavailable for new orders

The image ubuntu-18.04 (IDs 168855 (x86) & 103908017 (Arm)) is no longer available when creating new servers.

Aug 25

Action List Endpoints do not accept query parameter "sort by progress"

Our API reference documentation previously stated that the action list endpoints GET /v1/actions and GET /v1/<resource>/actions accept the values progress, progress:asc and progress:desc for the query parameter sort.

If used in a request, this caused the request to fail. We have removed the values for the sort parameter from our API docs.

Aug 23

New Server Types with dedicated AMD vCPUs

Six new server types with dedicated AMD vCPUs are now available:

  • ccx13
  • ccx23
  • ccx33
  • ccx43
  • ccx53
  • ccx63

Learn more about these instances in this news article

Please note that these and new upcoming server types will use UEFI by default. If a server gets created from a snapshot, please make sure that the snapshot has an ESP / is UEFI-compatible.


Old Server Types with dedicated AMD vCPUs are deprecated

Starting on 27 September 2023, the old server plans with dedicated AMD vCPUs will no longer be available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server to one of the new server plans with AMD vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types will not be available through the API List endpoint after the announced date. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • ccx12 (ID 33)
  • ccx22 (ID 34)
  • ccx32 (ID 35)
  • ccx42 (ID 36)
  • ccx52 (ID 37)
  • ccx62 (ID 38)

July 2023

Jul 20

Actions List endpoint is deprecated

Update 2025-01-30: The Actions List endpoint is not fully deprecated anymore.

GET /actions is deprecated. Starting 1 October 2023, it will no longer be available. For more information about alternatives, please refer to the previous announcement "Resource Action endpoints" from 29 June 2023.

Also starting on 1 October 2023, all action endpoints will only return actions from the past 90 days.

Jul 18

Server Types with dedicated Intel® vCPUs are unavailable for order

All server plans with Intel® vCPUs (CCX11, CCX21, CCX31, CCX41, CCX51) are no longer available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server with Intel® vCPUs to a server plan with AMD vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types are not available through the API List endpoint. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • ccx11 (ID 11)
  • ccx21 (ID 12)
  • ccx31 (ID 13)
  • ccx41 (ID 14)
  • ccx51 (ID 15)

June 2023

Jun 29
addedAPICertificatesFirewallsFloating IPsImagesLoad BalancersPrimary IPsNetworksServersVolumes

Resource Action endpoints

We added the new endpoints /v1/<resource>/actions and /v1/<resource>/actions/{action_id} to all resources that use actions.

The new endpoints can be used instead of the global /v1/actions endpoint, to get actions of a specific product.

Jun 21

Expose routes to vSwitch

You can now expose routes from a Network to the vSwitch connection.

API Changes:

  • New response field expose_routes_to_vswitch was added to all endpoints that return "Networks".
  • New request field expose_routes_to_vswitch was added to the POST /networks endpoint.
  • New request field expose_routes_to_vswitch was added to the PUT /networks/{id} endpoint.
Jun 19

Server Types with dedicated Intel® vCPUs are deprecated

Starting on 18 July 2023, all server plans with Intel® vCPUs will no longer be available for order. Existing servers are not affected by this deprecation and they will continue to work. If you want to migrate an existing server with Intel® vCPUs to a server plan with AMD vCPUs, you can use the rescale option.

These server types will not be available through the API List endpoint after the announced date. This also affects any usage "by name".

Applies to server types:

  • ccx11 (ID 11)
  • ccx21 (ID 12)
  • ccx31 (ID 13)
  • ccx41 (ID 14)
  • ccx51 (ID 15)
Jun 02

Field "deprecated" on Server Types is now deprecated

The response field deprecated of all endpoints that return "Server Types" is deprecated. Please use the new field deprecation instead.


Deprecation Info for Server Types

To better communicate deprecations to API Users, we added the new response field deprecation to all endpoints that return "Server Types". The field describes if, when, and how the resource was deprecated. If this field is set to null, the resource is not deprecated. If it has a value, it is considered deprecated. Learn more about the field in our API docs. This new field replaces the old deprecated field, which contained a boolean.

May 2023

May 31

Ubuntu 18.04 deprecated

The image ubuntu-18.04 (IDs 168855 (x86) & 103908017 (Arm)) is deprecated and will no longer be available when creating new servers after 31 August 2023.

May 15

API will return up to 52 bit IDs

Please note that there will be a change regarding the id fields in our API. At the moment, the id fields are only 32 bit wide. However, this is no longer sufficient. As a result, we will use larger IDs in future. This change will not affect IDs of existing resources.

Starting on 1 September 2023, the first IDs will use 52-bit integers.

May 09

New field "included_traffic" for Server Types

We added the new response field included_traffic to all endpoints that return "Server Types".

The field describes the amount of included free traffic bytes that servers of this Server Type have.

April 2023

Apr 12

New API fields to support Arm64 architecture

Our API had an inherent assumption that all servers, images, and ISOs used the same x86 architecture. To support the launch of our Arm64 Server Types, we added new APIs to differentiate between the architectures.

The architecture fields currently support two values: x86 and arm.

Server Types

  • New response field architecture was added to all endpoints that return "Server Types".


Previously, the image name uniquely identified the image. This is no longer true. Instead, the image is now uniquely identified through the combination of name & architecture. This means that we now have (as an example) two images named ubuntu-22.04, one with architecture x86 and one arm. If you create servers from images (or snapshots) by passing the ID, you need to take care that you pass an image with a compatible architecture. If you create servers by passing the image name, our API will select the correct image for you.

  • New response field architecture was added to all endpoints that return "Images".
  • New query parameter architecture was added to the GET /images endpoint.


  • New response field architecture was added to all endpoints that return "ISOs". This field can be null if the ISO is not restricted to a single architecture. We do not set the architecture for ISOs uploaded on user request.
  • New query parameter architecture was added to the GET /isos endpoint.
  • New query parameter include_architecture_wildcard was added to the GET /isos endpoint.

New server types with Arm64 architecture

Four new server types with Arm64 architecture are now available:

  • cax11
  • cax21
  • cax31
  • cax41

Learn more about these instances in this news article

March 2023

Mar 27


AlmaLinux 8 and 9 are now available as images for your servers. They have the image names alma-8 & alma-9.

Mar 10

New Apps: Owncast, PhotoPrism®, RustDesk

Three new Apps are available for your servers:

December 2022

Dec 05
addedServersNetworksFloating IPsPrimary IPsLoad BalancersVolumes

New Location: Hillsboro, OR

The new location Hillsboro, Oregon (hil) is now available for all products. Some server types might not be available in the new location.

The datacenter hil-dc1 was also added to the API and belongs to the hil location.

The network zone us-west was also added to the API. It currently includes the hil location.

June 2022

Jun 22

Removed App: BigBlueButton

The app BigBlueButton (big-blue-button) is no longer available for new servers.


New Apps: Go, Ruby, Prometheus Grafana, Collab Tools

Four new Apps are available for your servers:

Jun 17

Removed freebsd64 Rescue OS

Freebsd64 is no longer available as a Rescue OS.

Jun 08
addedPrimary IPsServers

Flexible Networking

When you create a cloud server, it will no longer automatically include public IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6). Instead, you can now decide for yourself which types of IPs the server should include or not. And even after creating the server, you can still change your network option by adding, removing, or swapping the server’s Primary IPs. Learn more in this news article.

Primary IPs

All endpoints under the "Primary IPs" & "Primary IP Actions" sections were added.


  • The response fields server.public_net.ipv4 and server.public_net.ipv6 are now nullable in all endpoints that return "Servers".
  • New request field public_net was added to the POST /servers endpoint.

May 2022

May 18
addedCloud Console

Default SSH Keys

You can now mark SSH keys as "default". These keys will be pre-selected when you create new servers in the Cloud Console.